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Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Jose Ramon Larraz directed this erotic horror gem.

Two very sexy vampire women, Fran (Marianne Morris) and Miriam (Anulka Dzuibinska) lure men to their crumbling estate with the promise of good food, good wine and great sex.

They end up drinking the blood of their victims, but one of the men they bring to the castle willingly stays as he finds Fran "The most exciting and alluring woman he has ever met".

A couple camping nearby the estate have their vacation disturbed when the wife starts to suspect the two women she sees running to and from the castle are up to no good.

There are a lot of impressive visuals here, and I don't just mean the two sexy as hell vampire women. Some of the killings are down right vicious and unforgiving. They may be beautiful women, but they are savage in the quest for life giving blood.

I hadn't seen this film for years, and it has lost none of it's impact. Included on the disc are a couple of trailers for the movie as well as an interview with both beautiful stars of the film.

Larraz does an excellent job directing this UK/Spanish co-production. If you're looking for a vampire film with something a little different, you may want to check this out. Recommended!!

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