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Monday, September 17, 2018


Just plain fun.

A group of white supremacists have created a formula they want to introduce into the water systems of Washington D.C., Detroit and Los Angeles.

This formula is intended to kill only black people. This bizarre story opens when a young black man escapes from a compound and seeks the help of a good friend named Jimmy Lait (Jim Brown). Lait visits his friend in the hospital and he learns of the bizarre plot which he doesn't quite understand. Lait's girlfriend Wendy stays at the hospital and is kidnapped when some members of the white supremacists sneak into the mans room and kill him.

They keep Wendy as a way to lure Lait to them. Lait, meanwhile goes to Detroit and looks up his friend, Jagger Daniels (Fred Williamson). He convinces Daniels to help him but only after the two men are almost killed in an assassination attempt in Detroit. Finally they both head for DC where they hook up with the final vital character to the story, Mister Keyes (Jim Kelly).

The three men start a war with the white madmen, and Wendy warns their leader Monroe Feather (Jay Robinson) that Lait and his friends will destroy them. Needless to say Feather is skeptical. When the men capture one of the supremacist men they need to make him talk, so what do they do? Daniels calls in three motorcycle riding, leather wearing dominatrices to get the answers they need. These beautiful women are Countess (Pamela Serpe), Princess (Marie O' Henry) and Empress (Irene Tsu). You really have to see this scene to believe it!! And all three are beautiful, especially Tsu, who as people here know is a favorite of mine, and yes, I did enjoy seeing her topless.

There is plenty of wild action in the classic blaxploitation film, that I think has been somewhat forgotten. Brown, Williamson and Kelly make a great team and I believe I read somewhere that some actually counted the killings in this film and they cam up with 166, which is a lot for a 90 minute film.

Once the action starts, it doesn't slow down and if you're a fan of this kind of film, I highly recommend it. The cast also includes Shelia Frazier as Wendy, Charles McGregor, Marion Collier, Alex Rocco, Corbin Bernsen, gorgeous Jeannie Bell and Roberta Collins.

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