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Wednesday, October 10, 2018


A great little action film that, while maybe not a Halloween type film, but a good one none the less.

Lt. Glenn Hoffman (Gianni Garko) leads a team of commandos in a daring mission to retrieve top secret Nazi documents.

These documents are kept in a safe in a villa in Italy currently being used by the Nazi's as a headquarters. SS Col. Hans Mueller (Klaus Kinski) runs the villa HQ and is about as cold blooded as anyone in the entire German army.

A beautiful spy helping the US from the villa is Helga Richter (gorgeous Margaret Lee) and before everything is over she is caught by Mueller whop forces her to sleep with him in exchange for her life. However, Mueller has her executed first thing the morning after and this is pretty much the most disturbing thing in the movie.

Kinski is perfect as Mueller, and as a matter of fact all of the people in this film are well cast and do their parts very well. Garko makes for a good lead and a good opposite to the Kinski character.

The rest of the cast includes Aldo Canti, Sal Borgese and Samson Burke. Again, this is not really a Halloween film, but there are some shocking scenes in this. Not bad for a formula Italian WW2 film.

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