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Saturday, October 6, 2018


Looks like some pretty interesting things coming later this year and early next year, and on this, my 7000th post, I'll fill you in on a few of them.

Shout Factory has announced several titles coming to Blu-ray in January 2019 but the best of the is the Hammer classic "Plague Of The Zombies" from 1966 and the film noir gem "The Glass Key" with Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake.

Kino has announced a December 4th date for the Blu-ray of the much under appreciated film "The Puppet Masters" starring Donald Sutherland.

Scorpion Releasing has announced the Blu-ray for "Gas Pump Girls" which to me is pure 70's gold. I have no date, but it is supposed to be out later this year. This upcoming release has inspired me to add another "Ramblings" entry on the blog later this month.

Looks like some interesting things coming our way in the world of Blu-ray releases and I am sure there is much more to come.

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