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Tuesday, January 22, 2019


This is really an odd one.

This is the most Andy Milligan-ish film I have seen that wasn't made by Milligan.

Character actress Shelby Leverington got her career started in this obscure thriller shot on Long Island. Her character is Lise, a young woman who comes seeking revenge on those who killed her ancestor for being a witch.

Her revenge is bloody and bizarre, but there are so many things wrong with this movie. I understand that they were working on a very limited budget and for that I will always forgive them.

The bad thing for a film like this is that nothing really happens and the movie flatlines within 30 minutes. With Andy Milligan films the viewer at least gets to see gore and the plots are for the most part coherent (did I really say that?) but this one is way off.

Leverington plays her part well and does have some seductive sexiness about her, but the film really doesn't play on that either. Denver John Collins is Roger Vroot, a member of the family that had her ancestor killed. Lise seduces him with a very long monologue about an ancient race of women that really has nothing to do with the plot of the film, or maybe it does but wasn't explained.

Yes, it's a confusing effort and not very interesting for the reasons I mentioned above.

The climax is poorly delivered and again I believe this is due to budgetary restraints. If you wanna see it, it is available.

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