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Monday, October 7, 2019


The second episode of this great horror series continues to shock and entertain.

The first tale is entitled "Bad Wolf Down" and concerns a platoon of US soldiers caught behind enemy lines during WW2. They take refuge in an abandoned police station and fins two German soldiers ripped to pieces and a young French woman locked in a jail cell.

Things take a much darker tone when she tells them she is a werewolf and wants to die. Soon they are surrounded by Germans and devise a brilliant but totally twisted way to get out of their predicament.

This story really reminded me of the great old EC comics I grew up on and the ending is a hell of a kicker.

Story number 2 is entitled "The Finger" and it combines horror, very, very dark humor and gore. A man named Clark who collects "found" objects finds a finger in an alley of Los Angeles.

The finger slowly begins to grow until it becomes a strange monster that starts taking care of Clark, such as bringing him the ripped out tongue of the bill collector who keeps nagging him, the body of his ex wife and finally the severed heads of both is rotten to the core children.

The scene where Clark uses a sledge hammer to beat the severed heads to a pulp is something not forgotten!! This story is so over the top, that is entertains to the max.

Once again the stories are top notch if you like this kind of thing, which I do very much. DJ Qualls performance as Clark in "The Finger" is spot on. He establishes himself as insane from the first few minutes and his talking directly to the camera is priceless.

If you get the chance and haven't seen the second episode, please do. I think you'll be very surprised.

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