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Tuesday, October 8, 2019


The David Cronenberg classic is available on DVD and I didn't even know it.

I have only had this on a DVD bootleg I made from a VHS print for years. The quality here isn't bad at all and I really am glad it's available.

The story centers around Starliner Towers, a hotel complex on an Island off the coast of Montreal. The opening scenes of a doctor fighting with a young woman and then knocking her out, taping her mouth, stripping her and then cutting open her stomach before cutting his own throat pretty much set the tone for the entire film.

He has created a sexual parasite that is out of control and is spreading fast among the residents of the complex. The parasite causes them to act out wild and violent sexual acts while it spreads, and there are some pretty shocking scenes in this film.

The doctor for the complex, a man named Roger St. Luc (Paul Hampton) has his hands full as he tries to stop the parasitic disease from taking over everyone including his girlfriend played by Lynn Lowery.

As I mentioned there are plenty of over the top scenes of people infected acting like sex crazed monsters and there are also some pretty memorable gore scenes including the infamous plier pulling scene involving an infected man named Nicholas (Alan Migicovsky) and a visitng doctor named Rollo (Joe Silver).

Barbara Steele also is in this and her scenes in the bath tub being attacked by the nasty parasites is a gem as well as how she spreads it around after being infected.

This is simply a no brainer on the must see list for any horror fan. Once seen it is never forgotten. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!


  1. I had heard about this for years and never had been able to watch it until it popped up on Amazon prime a few years ago. It is only available to rent or buy on there now. Criterion will probably get a hold of this in the near future. It is a solid flick.

    1. Yes I was surprised it popped up on DVD at all here in the USA. It does need the Criterion touch however.
