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Saturday, January 11, 2020


This great British shocker finally comes to the USA in a beautiful Blu-ray release.

Gorgeous Linda Hayden stars as Angel Blake, a young woman who leads a satanic cult after a corpse of a demonic creature has been unearthed in a field by a farmer during his plowing.

The village is plagued by numerous deaths and people going insane. It soon becomes clear that Angel is leading the towns young people into blood sacrifices in order to bring the mysterious creature back to life.

The young man who unearthed the skeleton, Ralph Gower (Barry Andrews) tries to convince a local judge (Patrick Wymark) that satanic forces are loose, but the judge refuses to believe. However, after seeing a young man cut off his own hand during a demonic dream the Judge begins to wonder and takes off on a trip to London.

Things begin to get really out of hand as the locals begin to grow blotches of skin on their bodies that is referred to as "Satan's Skin". Finally the Judge returns and has a face to face showdown with the incredibly ugly demon and his followers.

This horror tale set in the 17th century is a real treat and I think it is one of the most overlooked films of the last 60 years. Released in April of 1971 under the title I have listed above, it came and went very quickly, which is a shame.

Besides all of the genuine creepiness of the movie the standout is, of course, Linda Hayden as Angel. I have seen her in many films and in this one she is hotter than the hell she worships!! The best scene in the film is where she tries seduce the local vicar. My God, if that doesn't make your blood pump you're already beyond help.

Severin had this as a Black Friday only Blu-ray special, and yes it was a tad expensive, but to me it's well worth it. The transfer is beautiful with rich colors and it also came with a soundtrack disc which is very haunting. Lots of interesting extras are included and the print is under the film's original title "Satan's Skin". VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and one of the top releases for 2020.

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