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Saturday, January 18, 2020


A PRC film that really boggles the mind.

Sam Newfield directed this strange film about an expedition to find a legendary white gorilla that may be a missing link between man and the apes.

The safari is infiltrated with German soldiers looking for the gorilla for their own evil means, and an undercover policeman named Geoffrey Bishop (Richard Fraser) who is also on a mission from the English Government.

Nothing but trouble follows the safari and soon the lovely female of the bunch that has been kidnapped by the German scientist is then kidnapped by the white gorilla. Maris Wrixon is the distressed damsel and she handles the role well for what it is.

The titanic struggle at the end of the film is a fight between the white gorilla and a brown one. The white gorilla wins and is caught and caged for his efforts and then the movie ends.

This is one odd film and it barely held my attention, which is odd for a PRC film as I generally love them. I can't really recommend this, but if you want to see it go ahead.

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