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Tuesday, April 14, 2020


It has been many years since I saw this bizarre little horror film.

In a small Florida coastal town called Palm Cove there are terrible things happening. Several divers have been found chewed apart in the water and the local authorities are stumped.

There is a chemical pant near the town run by a man named Papa Jack (Bert Freed) who has a young man named Mike Canfield (Wayne Crawford) thrown in jail for attempting to take samples of the water. The arresting sheriff, Ben Williams (William Kerwin) gladly accepts the help of Canfield to help with the ever mounting deaths.

Other things are happening as well including the fact that many of the towns population are becoming increasingly violent for no reason. Canfield, the sheriff's beautiful daughter Liza Williams (Roberta Leighton) and several others attempt to uncover the reasons behind this.

What they find is that the plant, along with the Federal Government and a local Doctor named Elliot Snow (Jason Evers) are secretly experimenting with the citizens thru the towns water supply.

These experiments have also made the Barracuda much more vicious and soon everything starts to come out in the open and both Ren Williams and Canfield find themselves fighting for their lives against both killer fish and an evil government.

I found this movie quite entertaining and a pretty wild ride. The ending is somewhat of a surprise and was handled very well. Also, all of the familiar faces made it a pretty cool experience as well. During the 70's you could always expect great movies made in Florida and Bill Kerwin in the cast.

I can recommend this for horror fans.

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