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Monday, April 27, 2020


Very odd but well made British TV show.

Pauline Quirk stars as a young frumpy woman named Noreen who works in a small grocery store. She has a crush on her contemptible store manager played by Geoffrey Bateman.

He dislikes her and makes her life miserable at the store, but Noreen stays on anyway. Soon strange things start to happen and it all begins with a can of beans rolling down an aisle all by itself.

It seems like the store is haunted but as more and more things happen it becomes very obvious that something much more evil than a ghost is causing the trouble.

This is a very well made horror tale that was the very first episode of a horror series called "Beasts" which featured the works of Nigel Kneale, who of course, was one of the greatest writers of sci-fi and horror in the world.

This is a subtle approach to horror and it works very well. If you get a chance you might want to check this out. I highly recommend this, and now I want to see other episodes as well.

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