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Tuesday, September 22, 2020


A very tight film noir with a great cast.

A young woman named Ellen Windslow (Beverly Garland) longs for some affection from her uncaring husband Gerald (Skip Homier).

He mentally abuses her to no end and unbeknowest to her, he is also planning on killing her. Ellen gets a job, which Gerald cannot do so at one point he leaves her.

She is treated like garbage by his friends and she finally accept Gerald back, but things only get worse. She finally finds some help and support from a very unlikely sourse, her boss.

His name is Cliff Kane (Ken Tobey) and slowly they fall in love. After a short relationship Ellen decides to divorce Gerald because he is too mentally unstable. He tries to prove her wrong by attempting to kill her.

Homier turns in a great performance as a man who has some serious mental issues and should be locked up. Garland is perfect as the woman who tries to love him at all costs, but in the end discovers that it means nothing to him.

Sadly this isn't a well known film. It's damn good and makes you think. I know this film is available in many places and I highly recommend that you check it out. This is included in the set from Something Weird entitled "Weird-Noir" and the entire set is worth checking out.

It's a six movie set and all six have been reviewed here now that I have finally posted this.

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