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Monday, September 14, 2020


I have never been a streaming kind of guy, but lately that has been changing.

I still prefer to have the disc in hand, but I have discovered a lot of hidden gems while perusing the streaming channels available to me, and there are hundreds.

I have discovered quite a few 50's horror films on some of these obscure channels such as "It Conquered The World", "and "Terror From The Year 5000" which looked beautiful.

I don't usually look for things on large networks like Netflix, but little channels like Rabbit TV or something even more hidden. There is a very large list of 50's film noir and westerns I still need to check out as well, and many of these gems have not yet been made available on DVD or Blu-ray and some of them were never on VHS either.

I discovered some of these long lost movies one day while just searching for things on my new Smart TV and never knew all of this was available. So, as I look for things I put them in the appropriate ques for later viewing, and most of them I will talk about on here when I get time to watch them all.

I am sure most of you have known about this stuff for years, but I am new to it. It's quite an eye opening experience and a very welcome one for a movie fanatic such as me.

I now search for things when I have free time, but must start watching them soon and try to get caught up. Oh will the wonders never cease!

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