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Friday, December 29, 2023


Very interesting and well done Spanish horror.

The story revolves around an elderly woman who dies and leaves her estate to a relative named Ofelia Escudero (Claudia Islas). She gets the entire mansion as long as she takes care of a cat named Bequer.

Ofelia and three of her friends, Aurora (Susana Dosamantes), Marta (Lucia Mendez) and Pilar (Helena Rojo) move into the house and then the trouble soon starts.

They start seeing ghosts of the dead, elderly owner, hearing ghostly moans and much more. This is a standard old dark house thriller that turns into so much more by the final 20 minutes.

There are a lot of different things about this film. One of the big differences is that the film only has four main characters, and they are all beautiful women, which is highly unusual for a film from the mid 1970's.

Some of these women do not live thru the film, but I won't say which ones or how they die. I think you should watch it and find out. I loved the colors and the 70's fashions in this film, and it brings back some good memories.

This is actually a rare film to see, but it is popular enough to have a reamke done in 2014, which I haven't seen.

If you get the time and you like Spanish horror, you miht want to check this out. It's not a fast moving film, but it's a good one, and hey, you have four sexy women to watch.

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