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Friday, December 22, 2023


Good little film noir.

A young woman named Laura (Belita) who proclaimes her innocents in a jewel theft is arrested by her boyfriend cop (Preston Foster).

After her release from prison, Laura is still hounded by Fosters character of John Saxon. Saxon still loves her, but he wants to solve the case no matter what.

Saxon runs into some strange characters during his investigation and as he draws closer to the truth and some of the missing diamonds Laura gets farther away from him.

After much chasing around Saxon discovers that Laura really was framed by a group of men and he has to catch them. However, Laura is again framed for something, this time a murder and she takes it on the run with Saxon in pursuit,

Saxon has the job of finding her as well as arresting the thugs who framed her.

This is a forgotten film noir that really should be seen more. Foster does an excellent job and Belita, a former Ice Skater turned actrerss does as good as she can. Her sometime stilyed dialogue fits the flavor of the film perfectly.

Check it out if you get a chance.

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