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Saturday, May 25, 2024


Here is another movie I never appreciated when I was young, but now it's a different story.

This very underrated movie stars Michael Gough as Walter Eastwood, a very sadistic man who lives with is wife Edith (Yvonne Mitchell), his son Rupert (Simon Gough) and daughter Jane (Sharon Gurney).

Edith's life has been completely destroyed by her husband and she retreats into a world of painting. Jane is allowed to see nobody and Walter likes every chance he gets to whip her. Rupert is the only one Walter respects and treats kindly.

After much abuse Edith and Jane plot to murder Walter when he is at the family retreat over a weekend. They poison him and make it look like a suicide. They report him missing and when Rupert orders them to go to the cabin, they do and discover that his body is no longer where they put it.

Is he still alive? Was this just a dream? I won't give it away for those who haven't seen it. This was written by actor Olaf Pooley who also has a role in the movie, but it will no doubt you think of the 1955 thriller "Diabolique".

Everyone turns in a great performance, but Gough steals the show. Sharon Gurney is a beautiful young woman and the viewer really keeps hoping that her dad will die somehow.

It also has a great music track in my opinion. Check this one out.

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