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Wednesday, May 29, 2024


This was an ok film, but I thought a lot of potential had been lost.

This is a cross between such films as "Carnival Of Souls" and "Sole Survivor".

Melissa Sagemiller stars as Cassie, a young woman heading to college with some friends. On their way they stop at what one character calls a roving party.

Cassie is spotted by some bizarre men and when the kids leave, they are pursued by the car full of weirdoes. There is a crash and the young man Cassie loves, Sean (Casey Affleck) is killed.

Cassie finds her world turned upside down and she seems to be switching between life and death as she sees visions of Sean, and then of the people from the party. Those people seem to be trying to kill her.

This is a strange movie and I don't really know if audiences of 2001, especially the young people it was targeted for understood it. I may be wrong. I do know this was cut severly in order to attract more young people to the theater, but I don't know if it worked or not.

The rest of the cast includes Wes Bently, Angela Featherstone, Luke Wilson and Eliza Dushku and she was the main reason I watched this movie. She is stunning and looks fantastic in leather.

Anyhow, this may or may not be for you, but it's passable.

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