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Sunday, June 2, 2024


A 70's TV movie I hadn't seen in 50 years!!

Two women, one named Carol Enders (Meredith Birney) and Diana Bernard (Sally Kemp) bth have tragic accidents at almost the same time and are admitted to the same hospital.

Both seem to die, but Carol wakes up claiming to be Diana Bernard. This is considered a medical conundrum and nobody can explain it. Diana is determined to find out who cut the brake line in her car and caused her to die in the crash.

The actors do a great job with the material and Dan Curtis handled producing this as well as co-directing uncredited. If you're a fan of Italian cinema you'll be interested to know that both Christopher Connelly and Tony Russel are in this.

This first aired on what I believe was entitled "ABC Mystery Movie" is my mind is remembering correctly. They had so many weird and wonderful movies on there and they almost all have disappeared.

If you get a chance you might want to see this and relive the good old days of movies like this being made for TV. The rest of the cast includes Patricia McAneny, John Karlen, Phillip Pine and Christopher Nelson.

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