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Friday, June 28, 2024


Very rare and Unique Italian quasi/horror film.

A corporate office worker named Alberto Valle (Giuliano Esperati) gets an invitation from the owner of the auto company he works for to come to his mountain mansion and visit.

He takes up the offer from Giovanni Nosferatu (Adolfo Celi) and finds the castle hard to get to. Alberto stops for gas in a small town in which nobody talks to him and he runs into a topless woman named Laura (Francesca Modigliani).

She accompanies him on the rest of his journey. Alberto is more interested in moving up in his career than in having anything much to do with Laura. She decides to stay in his car and wait for him to finish his visit.

Upon entering the mansion Albert's whole world changes. He discovers many odd things and begins to suspect Nosferatu is not what he seems to be. Giovanni's secretary, Corinna (Geraldine Hooper) seduces Alberto and when he speaks to Giovanni, he is a little scared to accept any position from the man.

The movie moves along well and it gets very creepy. There are a lot of interesting things that happen and I don't want to give anything away so I will just say SEE THIS MOVIE!!!

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