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Monday, September 23, 2024


A TV movie from 1974 that first aired in October of that year.

I was 11 when I first saw this movie and I remembered the premise, but not much about the movie.

A crew member of a submarine brings a small collection of 6 snakes aboard the sub on which he is stationed. The submarine is named Fer De Lance and the crew member named Compton (Frank Bonner) thinks it'd be interesting to bring snakes also called Fer De Lance on board for a joke.

The snakes escape and bite several crew members. This causes the sub to be involved in an accident that has it stuck between two rock formations. The snakes also play havoc in trying to escape from the mess.

The snakes are almost forgotten as the film becomes an adventure movie of the crew trying to get the sub out of it's trouble and back to the surface before their air runs out.

I never found this to be too bad of a movie, but it could be about 15 minutes shorter which would make it a little tighter as far as the story goes.

The cast includes David Janssen, Hope Lange, Ivan Dixon, Jason Evers, Robert Ito, Charles Robinson, Sherry Boucher, William Mims and Shizuko Hoshi.

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