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Friday, September 27, 2024


Not too shabby of a mystery thriller from England.

The plot is very straight forward. It's about a drunk who is killed, and the police first suspect it was a health problem, but later exhume the body for more tests.

They discover a small part of a needle in his arm and determine it was murder. But, who done it?

There are the usual suspects including the mans wife Linda (Rona Anderson), her lover and his best friend from the service. There are the usual plot twists as well, and some of thiose could have been better, but what do I know.

The climax to the film has the killer being trapped and forced to give up. You might guess the killer before the end of the film and you might not. I got it all wrong.

In my opinion the standout on the movie was Jane Griffiths whose character is named Carol Seaton. I think she did the best job in the movie with the material and she is easily the best looking. Yes indeed.

This is one of many British films from Renown that are finally seeing the light of day on both Blu-ray and streaming. If you're a mystery fan I say check it out.

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