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Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Not too bad of a film and I am a little surprised at the low rating from everyone, but then maybe I'm not.

Mike Norris, the son of Chuck directed this movie that is really close to reality only 8 years after it was made.

In modern times the US Government sells out the country to the UN and a small group of patriots in the state of Texas decide to defend what is left of America after a terrorist group brings down the power grid.

It's a very timely film as this is what is slowly happening today in the real world. The cast does a good job and every part is totally believable. In my opinion if Mike Norris hadn't been directing this film would have been much different.

The cast includes Aliya Astaphan, Rick Bentz, Giovannie Cruz, and the always gorgeous AnnaLynne McCord.

I hope you check this out and like it. The ending is open, but that is how it should be with a movie like this.

Monday, May 20, 2024


Now this is a fun film.

David Keith stars as Tennessee Buck, a down on his luck type of guy who leads an expidition into the deep jungles of Borneo.

When we are first introduced to Buck we see him fight a huge local man named Argo (Stephen Davis) over a sexy female native Buck has been having an affair with.

This sets up his character perfectly. His clients on the trip are Ken Manchester (Brant Von Hoffman) and his gorgeous wife Barbara (Kathy Shower). There is a lot of comedy between the three which is kind of odd, but it works.

They are soon captured by headhunters and then things take a more serious turn. Ken is hunted down and killed and Barbara is oiled down and raped by the chief of the tribe. This particular scene caused a lot of problems for the film as it was much longer and more graphic and the film got an X rating from the MPAA.

It was cut down and re-done, but I do know the longer version has been shown on cable TV back in the 90's. The movie is a good watch, at least for me, and I really got into the story.

Of course it helps that Shower is naked a lot and I have always considered her one of the most beautiful women ever to be in movies, and she didn't make a lot of them.

If you like adventure movies with a sometimes comedic twist, you'll enjoy this I think.

The rest of the cast includes Sydney Lassick, Sillaiyoor Selvarajan, and Sumita Mudannayaka.


Constance Towers is 91.

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Nancy Kwan is 85.


Light action adventure film from George Breakston.

Two American soldiers heading from Korea to the US stop over in Tokyo. Rocky Wilson (Steve Forrest) and Archie McGregor (Archer MacDonald) are just looking for kicks.

They get tangled up with a sabatoge plan and some explosive pills. Rocky and Archie get help from Peggy Burns (Martha Hyer) who is a government agent posing as a stewardess.

This was filmed during the occupation of Japan after WW2 and it's always good to see how things looked in 1950's Japan. This is a short film running only 67 minutes, and sometimes I think that is too long.

Don't get me wrong, this was an enjoyable movie, just padded out too much. The rest of the cast includes Tetsu Nakamura, Dekao Yokoo and Michiyo Naoki.

If you're looking for harmless viewing, this is for you.

Saturday, May 18, 2024


Yvonne Furneaux turned 98 on Sept. 11


When Roger Corman passed away on May 9 it really sent shockwaves thru the industry. He was considered a staple in the film business, and he has directed, produced and helped with so many movies as to be uncountable.

I loved Roger and his movies and since the age of 6 or 7 he has been a part of my film life. He taught me how to make movies on a VERY limited budget, and yet keep them entertaining.

I was first introduced to Roger when I saw "Day The World Ended" on Q-6 Creature Features from Spokane Washington when I was six or seven.

Soon I saw other films of his pop up on TV such as "Fast And The Furious", "Beast With A Million Eyes", "Not Of This Earth", and "It Conquered The World".

With the advent of VHS I was able to see hundreds more of Roger's movies from every genre including "Apache Woman", Masque Of The Red Death", "Fall Of The House Of Usher", "Tomb Of Liegia", and the rest of the Poe cycle.

I also got to see "Wild Angels", "St. Valentines Day Massacre" and hundreds more. He was such a huge part of the film business and in that respect he was a large part of the lives of film fanatics such as myself.

In his 7 decade career he directed 46 movies and produced almost 500 and that folks is an achievement that will NEVER be matched by anyone else.

Roger Corman was a genius whose talent brought us everything from "Attack Of The Crab Monsters" in 1957 to "Jungle Demon" in 2021 and an entire world unto itself of films that no one will ever top.


Strange film, but not boring or slow.

A young woman named Molly Hartley (Haley Bennett) is starting a new life with her father in a small town after a trauma she suffered involving her mother.

She quickly becomes very popular at the private school she is enrolled in, and this causes problems with the other female students, especially Suzie (AnnaLynne McCord).

Molly tries to keep her dark past a secret, but small details start leaking out. I really don't want to say too much and give too much away, as the movie has a pretty good plot and a bizarre twist at the end.

Lert me just say that all does not end well for Molly's father, played by Jake Weber, and wgat happens to Molly is, well, predicted throughout the movie and it does come true.

I found this a very enjoyable thriller, which considering when it was made was kind of a suprise. The rest of the cast includes Chace Crawford, Shannon Woodward, Shanna Collins, Nina Siemaszko, Jessica Lowndes and Josh Stewart.

Again, not too bad of a movie and it does have a few good jump scares and a great twist.

Friday, May 17, 2024


William Grefe is 94.


I used to own an original poster for this movie, but never saw it until the other day.

This was a pretty weird movie, but I have to say I did enjoy it. The plot involves a group of tourists who travel to a small Caribbean island and watch a voodoo ceremony.

The trouble starts when they cannot get back because the bus is broken down and the driver is missing. One by one each person meets a bloody death and the movie leads you to believe that zombies or some such monster is killing them.

It turns out to be a drug cartel that is seeking stolen money. No matter what you may have been led to believe, this film does move at a good pace. It starts off with Rita Jenrette nude in the shower and I have to admit that is a good start. The killings are brutal and the effects are what you'd expect in a very low budget film.

Jenrette was married to a congressman that she exposed as a swinger and then posed nude in Playboy before making this film. Neither really helped her career, but it does make this film an anomoly.

Yes, it's presented by Troma, but don't let that deter you from watching it. It's very watchable.


Deborah Dutch is 73.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

RIP MARK DAMON 1933-2024

The talented actor has died.

I was first introduced to Damon in the 1963 horror film "Black Sabbath" and then in Roger Corman's "Fall Of The House Of Usher".

I liked anything I saw him in and he later turned to producing movies and became a very wealthy man because of it. His wife was the very sexy Margret Markov, and I must say I envied Mark for that.

As an actor Damon also appeared in "Byleth", "Johnny Yuma", "Beauty And The Beast" and may other movies. Damon passed away on May 12, 2024 at the age of 91.


Janet Jackson is 58, and Jocelyn Lane is 85.


I knew some day I would have to write this. I have been gone for a while and it happened when I wasn't here.

Roger Corman is why I am and will always be a movie fan. I was introduced to his movies when I was but 6 years old. It was called "Day The World Ended" and boy did it blow me away.

I wanted more and more info on him and got some from Famous Monsters magazine, then it was off to try and see every film he ever made. Almost 60 years later I am still seeing new Corman movies, but have seen his early output many, many times and they never get old.

Most of you know his classic films such as "Attack Of The Crab Monsters", "Not Of This Earth", "Creature From The Haunted Sea" and hundreds of others.

Roger was a great teacher and the King of all cinema. There will never be another, and in todays state of filmmaking that is a very sad thing indeed.

I could go on and on, but I won't. The single greatest movie Icon in my lifetime is gone. The King is gone...Lone Live The King.

Roger Corman died on May 9th, 2024 at the age of 98.


A very well made Hammer Film.

This very downbeat film starts out with a young woman, Elizabeth Zorn (Gillian Hills) and another older woman named Hilda (Yvonne Mitchell) riding in a coach and right away we know something is wrong because Hilda forces Elizabeth to drink something.

When they arrive back at the huge manor in which they live we discovee that Elizabeth has a brother named Emil (Shane Briant) and both are kept apart and locked in their rooms. Their father, Baron Friedrich Zorn runs the home like a prison.

We are given small hints at what is happening, but it really becomes clear that the two yong people are essentially victims of their mad father, but Emil is no angel as we see later in the movie.

The story moves along well and gets more sinister as the plot thickens, and it finally comes down to a very bleak ending that will shock nobody familiar with horror films, but it works none the less.

This was Briant's film debut and he handle the role well, and you can see he had a lot of talent and of cousre went on to make may movies for Hammer and other studios.

The rest of the cast includes Paul Jones, Patrick Magee, Kenneth J. Warren and Virginia Wetherell.

The Blu-ray presentation is, of course beautiful, and this is one of those films I believe every horror fan should check out.

Friday, May 10, 2024


Holly Valance is 41.


Another strange film from the DTV (Direct To Video) era.

Young women are being kidnapped by a Satanic cult in this bizarre film.

The women are kept in cages until they are needed as food for "The Child". Now what the hell is "The Child"? It's a winged, deformed monster that the cult feeds a woman to every night.

There, you have the plot right there. Two police officers investigate, but come up empty handed as to where the women are kept and why this is happening.

After two small children witness a kidnapping they go to the police and they finally have the lead they need. The acting isn't the greatest, but when you watch a movie like this you shouldn't be expecting that.

I think most of the budget went to the creation of the monster, which is pretty damned good for a movie like this. The cast for this is interesting as well. You have Shanna McCullough as one of the police looking for the kidnappers and then you have Tori Sinclair as a room mate of one of the missing women.

Both of these women has careers in BDSM films and I admit I have seen most of them. Anyhow, their casting in this is most unusual, but it does bring name recognition no matter how you slice it.

It's not too bad of a film, but it won't appeal to everyone. Also known as "Luka's Child".


Bruce Penhall is 67, Linda Evangelista is 59, and Meg Foster is 77.

Thursday, May 9, 2024


This movie actually made 60 minutes seem like a lifetime.

I first heard of this movie when I read about it in the Psychotronic Movie Book in the 1980's. I finally got to see it.

A sleazy Dance Hall run by Umberto Scalli (Timothy Farrell) is a cover for other illegal activities. Scalli uses his sadistic bodyguards to keep everyone in line.

You know, I usually like films directed by Phil Tucker because they include such gems as "Cape Canaveral Monsters" and "Robot Monster", but I gotta admit this one is pathetic.

The acting is abysmal and the film seems only to be famous for the casting of Lenny Bruce and his wife Honey Harlow. Well that isn't enough for me to enjoy the movie.

After waiting 30 plus years to see this and then being very let down, all I can say is it'll be another 30 years before I watch it again and by that time I'll be in my 90's!!


Rosario Dawson is 45.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


The first Russian horror film!

What a great little film! The movie starts with three monks from the church who are looking for a place to spend a cold evening.

One of them is almost seduced by an old hag witch but he manages to kill her. Several days later he is requested to go to a home where a dying young woman has asked for this specific monk to pray over her.

When the monk called Khoma (Leonid Kuravlyov)arrives he is told the woman has died and he must spend three nights with her body in the mortuary and pray for her soul.

He is reluctant but agrees when told his pay is 10,000 gold pieces. The first night the dead woman rises from her tomb but Khoma protects himself inside a magic circle.

The second night the woman tries to get him again and fails, but during the day people notice that Khoma's hair has turned gray. On the third night the woman summons many demons from hell as well as VIY, an impressive monster and they manage to kill Khoma and take his soul.

We learn at the end of the film the young girl was actually the witch that Khoma killed at the beginning of the movie.

This is a minimalist film with maximum outcome. The effects are very good and the VIY costume is one of a kind. A circus performer played the monster because the costume was extremely heavy.

I recommend this film to any horror fan. It's a MUST SEE and the quality of the print is beautiful.


Salome Jens is 89.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


An Abbott and Costello film I had never seen.

I don't know how I missed this one all these years. A man named King O' Hara (Cecil Kellaway) uses a horse to pull a handsome cab and give people rides all over Broadway.

When the horse diesbecause Wilbut Hoolihan (Lou Costello) feeds it candy, he and his friend Grover Mockridge (Bud Abbott) must replace the horse. What happens is they end up stealing a race horse and it causes more problems.

As usual with an A&C film, there is a lot of slapstick, and I found myself laughing out loud numerous times. I was also suprised to see Shemp Howard in a role as one of three gamblers always looking for a way to get ahead.

There are some musical numbers and that was typical of fiulms made in the days of WW2. If you like Abbott and Costello I cannot recommend this movie enough.

The cast also includes Grace McDonald, Patsy O'Conner, Samuel S. Hinds, The Four Step Brothers and The Vagabonds.


Sivi Aberg is 80, and Traci Lords is 56.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

TITANIC 666 2022 (TUBI)

Weird and wild horror film from The Asylum.

The movie opens as a huge ship called "Titanic 3" is getting ready for it's maiden voyage. On the trip they plan to stop at the spot of the original sinking and pay homage to the over 1500 who died in that tragedy.

There are a lot of passengers and crew and everything starts off ok. We are introduced to Jack Stone (Derek Yates) and his sexy as hell wife Mia (AnnaLynne McCord) as they do a live podcast on the ship.

As they tour the entire ship the enter a huge storage area and an engine room. There they record a bizarre supernatual ritual involving a woman named Idina Bass (Ludia Hearst). She is invoking the ghosts of some of the dead from The Titanic to get revenge on everyone on the ship because a certain Prof. Hal Cochran (Jamie Bamber) has actual items from the original sinking, and Idina believes that is theft from the dead.

The spirits begine wrecking havoc on the ship and killing people who then also come back as evil spirits. This movie ends on a downer note and I guess that's appropreate for this movie.

It moves along quickly and everyone handles their role well. One thing I thought was really interesting was how the viewer is first introduced to Idina. She is seen coming out of a large piece of luggage in ther baggage compartment!!

I guess my only complaint was the fact that AnnaLynne McCord was killed off in the first 40 minutes. The rest of the cast includes Keesha Sharp, Joseph Gatt, Jhey Castles and Michael Chen.


Lance Henriksen is 84, Brooke Hogan is 36, and Mijanou Bardot is 86.

Saturday, May 4, 2024


Wow...this was interesting.

This is a very low budget film shot in Brooklyn and it's always nice to see how great the world looked back in those days.

The story concerns a nice looking young woman who has just moved into the area. Her name is Terry (Diane Conti) and she immediately makes a move on the leader of a gang.

They become an item until Terry sets her sights on Nino (Joey Naudic), another gang member and convinces him to kill the current leader, which he does.

Slowly Terry begins to take total control on Nino and the gang. She orders the killing of several people and tries to get a huge rumble going so more people will die. She does get her comeuppance at the end in a very interesting way

We are never told why she is like she is, but she quickly becomes one of the screens most memorable characters. The film issometimes too dark, but that is because of the budget and the lighting used.

However, I wouldn't let that deter you from seeing this really gritty picture which shows New York gang life in the 1960's. I resally recommend this film.


Erin Andrews is 46, and Heather Kozar is 48.

Friday, May 3, 2024


David Friedman produced this Hershell G. Lewis directed saga.

Shot in two weeks in Florida right after the duo made "Blood Feast", this is quite a different kind of film. William Kerwin stars as Harmon Johnson, a photographer of sleazy pictures for a nudie company run by Lang (Larry Aberwood).

As sale start toslide the company wants some new faces and they enlist a model, Sandy (Sandra Sinclair) to get a young girl named Kim Sherwood (Louise Downs) to pose for them.

They trick her and before long they are blackmailing her to do nude pictures, which are then sold all over the country.

During a shoot a muscle bound idiot named Ajax (Craig Maudslay) attacks Kim and Harmon kills him with a baseball bat. This is a very odd film, but a good one if you like this kind of stuff.

It is pretty cool to see some of the cast from "Blood Feast" in this movie which is so non horror. There are both clothed and nude versions of this movie and the one I saw on TUBI did have some nudity, but it's very tame.

The happy ending doesn't really fit the movie, but believe it or not it works. If all you have seen in the Lewis made gor films, you might want to see this. It's different for him and not too bad of a film.

The rest of the cast includes Mal Arnold, Christy Foushee and Doug Brennen.


Amy Steel is 64, Meagan Tandy is 39, and Toni Naples is 72.

Thursday, May 2, 2024


Not too bad of a horror film.

There is a New Year's Eve party going to be held at a hotel that is said to be haunted, and boy are they right.

We are first intoduced to a young boy named Daniel Brayer, who is arrested for the murder of his parents whose bodies have disappeared. He isn;t convicted, and then 12 years later he is again arrested for mass murder, but again, the bodies are never found.

Flash forward to 2023 and we see a party being planned at the hotel in which Daniel lives. A beautiful woman named Goldie (AnnaLynne McCord) is in charge and her boss, the hotel manager Mr. Emitt (Ted Raimi) is a total jerk.

During the party several guests are given tickets by a scary looking "father time" and each one meets a grisley death. There are some great set pieces here and the effects are pretty darn good. Several will make you cringe.

I like this because things are not really what they seem in this movie and even though the ending is not original and not what I expected, it moves well and the cast is very good.

I do have to say AnnaLynne McCord NEVER fails to get my attention. I'll watch her in anything, and you are going to see her name a lot in the next few weeks.

You might want to check this out if you like off the wall horror films.

The cast also includes Judd Nelson, Moon Bloodgood, Kevin Porter, Masiela Lusha, Fedelia Grace, Jennifer Castillo and Angela Cole.


Jo Ann Pflug is 84, Mitzi Kapture is 62, Engelbert Humperdinck is 88, and Pat Cardi is 73.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


This is a great compilation of trailers.

Charles Band and Fullmoon bring you a great show of movie trailers from the sub genre of Women In Prison. This genre of film is one of my personal favorites, it has been since I was a teenager.

Thereare trailers for such films as "Big Bird Cage", "Woemn in Cages", "Amazon Jail", "Reform School Girls", "Barbed Wire Dolls", Wanda The Wicked Warden", "Olga's Massage Parlor" and so many more.

Since the world has gone mad, they don't make these kinds of movies anymore, but at least we have these trailers and the actual films to watch when we want.



Joy Harmon is 84, and Rita Coolidge is 79.