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Monday, September 6, 2010


Just wanted to throw something out here for everyone. I just wasnt to know your opinion about people who have nothing good to say about new releases coming to DVD. In the years since the internet things have changed a lot.
When VHS was king I remember when some cult films were anounced as "coming soon" there was an air of excitment in the air by people who had never seen them. Now with the advent of the internet it seems the "Fan Boys" have taken over and every new released that is genre related they bitch and hollar about.
"There aren't enough extras" or some such garbage spews from their limited vocabularies. It seems these people are NEVER happay about new releases and always complain.
Is this true, or is it just me? Are today's "fans" too spoiled by all this high tech crap to fully appreciate some of these great little films coming to DVD even if they don't have tons of extras or are in HD?? Leave your comments and I will answer you here. Thanks.

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