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Sunday, January 16, 2011


Click on the  link below and read the dumbest damn thing you'll ever hear about. This is exactly why I allow no friends of mine to be liberal, if they are I throw them out on their ass.
Why anyone would bother to take something off of the airwaves after 25 years simply because one little moron whining is beyond my thought process.
The lyric "that little faggott" is nothing to get all upset over. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE SONG DON'T LISTEN!!
Liberal do not have jobs and therefore can sit and find little things to whine about all day. I think liberals and the way they think should be banned.
I don't believe in banning anything to be honest, and if I don't like something I don't let it near me.
Anyway, here is the story..and it's a doozy. God I detest liberals of any kind.

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