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Thursday, August 18, 2011


Uhhhh where to begin. Made by David Hewitt in the late 60's this film is best known for some of the worst effects and dialogue ever put on film.
All of the flubbed lines are left in and the gorilla costume is one that the expression on the face never changes and the eyes never move, and to top it off there is a fight between Gorga and a plastic dinosaur...yes it is plastic and the filmmakers didn't even try and make it look good.
Anthony Eisley, Kent Taylor, Megan Timothy and Scott Brady try like hell to make it all work, but they fail as everything is against them.
I do like this movie however, and it is a laugh riot and yet at the same time I can really relate to filmmakers having little or no money to work with. A huge thanks to Something Weird and Mike Vraney for finally getting this film out to be seen by the masses.
Check out the link below.

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