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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Just got the news that a young lady is closing down her blog because of all the bitching and complaining that goes on from people that visit the site, and she is tired of it and it is no longer fun for her. I won't mention the name here but it was a DID blog, and very interesting for those so inclined.
People take everything too seriously on the web. I also think they take things much too lightly in the real world. Here in the USA we have a President who is a self absorbed fool who thinks he can run a country, and he has failed miserably. Do people get upset, yes but not anywhere near how upset they get over blog comments!!
There are many, many more important issues currently happening to get upset over than blogs. Yes sometimes you may disagree with a post or something and you can always comment, but the outrage and anger is silly. It really takes the fun out of it.
I get a lot of hate mail when I post a birthday with for Britney Spears, and I don't just mean mail that says "I don't like her" but real hate mail directed to me.
This is the kind of crap this young lady put up with that has caused her to stop having fun. I know the hate mail for me will never stop unless I shut this blog down, and I won't do that no matter what.
Come on people, have fun and enjoy things, be outraged at Government and important issues....not a blog.

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