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Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Warner Archive is releasing four classic horrors on DVD for the Halloween season..they are Face Of Fu Manchu, Vengeance Of Fu Manchu, which is my secone favorite Fu film, The Sorcerers, and the very rare Confessions Of An Opium Eater starring Vincent Price. I haven't seen that film since the mid 80's when a small television station in Bozeman, Montana ran it at 7:30 am on a Sunday morning!! Rare treats indeed. The extremely rare William Grefe film, The Devil's Sisters is being released by Realitys Edge Films sometime this fall. This is very rare and the lost eight minutes of footage will be reconstructed from storyboards and still photos. It can be ordered from this link..... And finally as the Halloween season approaches my life gets very, very busy but I will be attempting to do the 31 Days Of Halloween, which is writing short reviews for some of the best films for this time of year. It all kicks off on Oct. 1.

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