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Monday, April 18, 2016


I reviewed this a few years ago when I first saw it, and finally I have watched it again and get the very same reaction out of myself.

The father of a very wealthy family in a small town turns out to be a pedophile and a new arrival in town discovers that his 9 year old daughter has been in contact with him.

Gwen Watford is Sally Carter, a young girl who tells her father that the elderly man named Clarence Olderberry made her and a friend dance naked in front of him for some candy.

Thus starts a magnificent story about people who aren't willing to jeopardize anything in their lives to help children be safe in a small town. Patrick Allen is excellent as Sally's father Peter.

This is a very good film that is still, if not more relevant today than it was 56 years ago. The cast for this Hammer gem also includes Niall MacGinnis as a very heartless defense lawyer, Michael Gwynn as the prosecutor and Bill Nagy.

If you haven't seen this movie, I would recommend you do so. It's an interesting change of pace for Hammer and a damn good movie to boot, even if the story makes you angry like it did me.

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