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Sunday, April 17, 2016


This is a pretty interesting murder mystery from Hammer films.

I believe I talked about this film a few years ago, but I finally re-watched it the other day and am still fascinated by it.

A teenage girl named Candy, played by Mandy Miller believes that her mother was killed by her step-father Paul, played with total coolness by Peter Van Eyck. The authorities say it was suicide, but Candy knows better and sets out to prove it.

Paul is no fool and he is always one step ahead of Candy and her friend Jean, played by Betta St. John. There are a lot of excellent moments in this film and it is very well done.

The ending is a classic twist that will make you smile a bit and say to yourself "Gee I'd hate to be that guy right now." Director guy Green handles the material well and the screenplay which was co-written by Jimmy Sangster is top notch. The print from Mill Creek is perfect and I recommend this to any mystery fan or Hammer fan.

This film is a prime example of how to make a great murder mystery.

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