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Friday, April 15, 2016


Peter Cushing returns as Dr. Frankenstein.

It has been a long time since I saw this film or talked about it here.

Cushing is working as a very distinguished Doctor named Stein and every other doctor in town is angry because he hjas all the patients.

While keeping his disguise up, Frankenstein is secretly working to being yet another creation to life, this time with a normal brain. He is soon joined by a young doctor named Hans Kleve, played by Francis Matthews.

Kleve is taught very well by Frankenstein and both begin work on his new creation. Things turn sour very quickly as the plot thickens and the usual trouble begins.

Brain transplants don't work either as a new kind of "Frankenstein's monster" is presented in this movie. Cushing is excellent as always and Matthews goes right along with him. The movie, as I said, is a little different than most Hammer Frankenstein movies, bjut it is good fun all the way thru.

I am especially amused by the clever ending. This is a good bet for horror fans. The supporting cast includes some very familiar faces such as Lionel Jeffries, Michael Ripper and Richard Wordsworth.

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