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Sunday, June 2, 2019


45 years ago I read about this movie in Famous Monster Of Filmland, and yet have never seen it.

I have since read a lot of reviews about this movie and it seems most people don't like this film.

American International decided to make this film after "Young Frankenstein" was such a huge hit and while the humor isn't slapstick, I still found it very good and amusing.

David Niven stars as Count Dracula who is going to use the blood of several Playboy Bunnies in order to find the proper blood mixture to bring his long dead wife back to life.

With the help of his assistant he manages to get blood from each female, but the results are not what he had planned. When his wife, named Vampira comes back to lfe she is a stunning black female played by the stunningly beautiful Teresa Graves.

This causes complications for Drac, so he and his wife fly to LA to find out what has happened and to try and correct the problem, if possible.

Now, if it was me, I would have no complaints if my wife came back as a stunning creature with an insatiable sexual appetite, but that is just a personal opinion. Also, since I am not a PC person, I didn't find the film offensive in the least.

Graves steals the show, as she always did in her brief career and I found the movie to be very well done. Yep. I liked it and I can't believe that it took all these years for me to see this.

The rest of the cast includes Veronica Carlson and beautiful Linda Hayden. The end of the film is good as both the count and his wife survive, but the blackface make-up on Niven just doesn't work.

However, all that aside, if you're looking for something light, this is it. I just can't get Teresa Graves out of my mind, which isn't a bad thing at all.

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