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Sunday, January 10, 2021


Typical low budget 80's action film.

Latin American terrorists invade a bace in Puerto Rico and steal a nuclear bomb.

During the robbery of the bomb they kill a pregnant woman who is married to Lt. Tony Turner (Brett Clark). This enrages him so much that he takes matters into his own hands to track down the terrorists.

He brings along Capt. Sam Beck (Fred Williamson) and the two of them attempt to find the terrorists and disarm the bomb before it can go off. There is a ton of gun fights in this film and it seems as if the action never lets up, whcih isn't always a bad thing.

The acting isn't much except for Williamson who has always been a pro when it comes to movies. Bo Svenson is also on hand as Col Keitel who really doesn't have much to do. This was filmed in Brazil and it had Svenson's voice dubbed over for some reason.

This isn't a perfect film by any means, but if you like 80's action films made on the cheap you might like this. Williamson does his best and he is the main reason for watching this anyway.

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