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Friday, January 15, 2021


My God, it has been over 30 years since I first saw this Italian "masterpiece".

I first stumbled upon this film in 1983 at a video rental store and was so out off by it I never watched it again. Well low and behold, I found it streaming the other day and figured "what the hell" I checked it out one more time.

I can say things have changed in 37 years. I actually found the film quite entertaining and some of the dialogue was amusing.

Bruno Mattei brings us this tale about an accident during an experiment that causes the dead to come back to life as cannibals in New Guinea. A team of four commandos are sent in to investigate and they happen upon a female reporter and her camerman.

The four men first meet the reporter Lia Rousseau ( Margie Newton) and her camerman when they are attacked by fleash eating creatures when they stop in a small town. This is a great scene in whcih a child begins feasting on his father!!

They decide to all travel together and come upon a tribe that is letting themselves be killed by their own dead because they believe that it is the end of the world. The group fianlly makes its way to the place where the accident happened and then we have one of the wildest endings to any movie I have seen in a while.

Mattei throws in dozens of random shots of birdsand such, but that isn't half as bad as all the gross scenes of actual native goings on in New Guinea. Sorry, that doesn't do much for me. The scene where the reporter takes off her clothes and interacts with the natives is something that never seems to leave my mind.

Acting awards go to Franco Garofalo as Zantoro, a member of the commandos. He has some of the best ines in the film and you gotta love it when he taunts the zombies. Also the music is by Goblin and you can hear many tracks the group used for "Dawn Of The Dead" in this film as well.

Overly gory in places, but a typical piece of 80's Italian horror that I actually liked. It's a fun ride and nobody makes films like MatteI...NOBODY.

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