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Saturday, November 27, 2021


This bizarre film has an interesting history with me.

Back in the mid 70's I used to see this listed in TV Guide and their snmall little description made me really want to see the movie. I kept missing it for one reason or another until one night I finally got my chance.

I was highly disappointed as I was a monster crazed kid. The opening of the film built my hopes up high, but all were dashed soon enough. However, after seeing this film as a much older person, I appreciate it much more.

Kerwin Matthews stars as Commander Jonathan Shaw. He is called into a case in Las Vegas of a scientist who has been arrested and put in an asylum after he claims to hear noises underground that sounds "just like ants".

The scientist, Arnold Kramer (Peter Arne) is convinced that something is happening beneath the surface of the USA, but nobody believes him...until there are several disasters that seem to confirm his case.

The Army is sent in and they find a huge series of tunnels that the Red Chinese are using to plant atomic bombs under all of our major cities. The military and scientists use their brains and defeat the Chinese who are under the control of General Chan Lu (Martin Benson).

This is an interesting little film that has been trashed by many over the years, and I believe that is because many kids had my experience with the film when young. It does leave an impression, believe me.

Anyway in these later years I liked the film much more and found the entire thing just very bizarre, but fun.

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