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Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Very strange film indeed.

Laurel Barnett stars as a young woman who travels to an old mansion as a hired housekeeper. She soon finds that the 11 year old girl living there has a very dark power.

It seems that she has supernatural powers and uses them against people she believes are responsible for her mothers death. The housekeeper finds the dark secret to be that the girl, Rosalie can bring back the dead.

This is a pretty good idea on the surface, but the execution isn't as good as it could be. There are several parts of the films that are very confusing and some of the scenes are way too dark to be seen.

This film came and went so fast in 1975 that is hasn't been seen by may people. However, I am sure that changed when VHS came out and Something Weird put it out.

Never the less, it's a horror film that I think you should see if you have 82 minutes to kill. I wil give it credit for having some very odd moments and keeping my attention.

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