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Monday, November 22, 2021


Not too bad of an entry in the series.

The movie opens with Alice (Milla Jovovich) waking up in bed with her daughter and seemingly living a regular life until out of nowhere some flesh eating zombies attack and kill her husband and try to get her and her daughter.

This is all part of a ploy set up by the Umbrella Corporation and soon Alice meets Ada Wong (Bingbing Li) who worked for the Corporation and Wong tells Alice that Albert Wesker (Shawn Roberts), the new head man at Unbrella is sending some men down to rescue them.

However, The Red Queen which is a computer security system with a mind of its own has sent people down to kill Alice and Wong. Needless to say the action gets hot and heavy and goes everywhere from Moscow to the US, but I really think the writers have run out of ideas.

This is, after all, the fifth in a series and every series runs its course and out of steam eventually. I liked this film, but one has to just quit expecting logic and let thier imagination go.

Seeing Michelle Rodriguez was kind of a surprise but the standout attraction was Li in her sexy little red dress she wears to confront zombies. Yep, it ridiculous, especially when they are out in sub zero temps, but hey, it works. That is just my opinion, of course.

If you're a fan of the series, you will probably enjoy this. I did, but I have to admit it's far from the best.

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