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Saturday, September 10, 2022


Imagine waking up at 4AM, turning on the TV and seeing this on streaming!!

I'm always up early anyway, but this is no way to start a day. This is the second film from Joe Sarno, and he wasn't the original director. He took over when the director either quit or was fired.

This perplexing "film" tells a strange tale. An aging stripper uses a medallion she got in Haiti to make men fall under her spell and do everything she tells them to. Most men I know do that now with something called wives.

Oh well...The stripper is a woman in her 60's at least, and if you watch this you must be ready to have your sex drive killed for about 6 months. Good God what were these people thinking??

The only print that is left of this film is a damaged one, and this is the one on TUBI. Now, after watching this you'll be damaged as well. I know I was and still am.

No plot worthwhile, bad acting, and much more. I can't think of a thing to like about this movie. It only runs a little over and hour and I will NEVER get that hour back. There is nothing worse than a bad movie that is boring.

Watch this at your own risk, but you have been warned.

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