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Friday, September 16, 2022


Ed Fury stars as Urses.

This is a fun little muscle popper that I had never seen. The print leaves a lot to be desired, but hey, I got to watch it at least.

Hamikar (Adriano Micantoni)is a general whor murders his king and places himself on the throne. His queen is the former king's evil niece. He then begins waging wars on everyone, killing their women and enslaving the men.

Urses is victorious at a tournament that Hamikar throws, but is still arrested. The former king's daughter Diana (Luciana Gilli) helps Urses escape as she loves him. Hamikar makes several attempts to kill her, but to no avail.

Finally Urses leads a revolt and in an exciting confrontation, Urses throws Hamikar into a fire pit and ends his life. Urses and Diana can now live in peace as well as everyone else.

Any fan of these kinds of films should be pleased with this one. There is plenty of action and both leading women are very easy on the eyes. This is a somewhat rare Italian film for some reason. The print is not in widescreen and it is faded, but hell watch it anyway. It's fun!!.

The rest of the cast includes Claudia Mori, Nando Tamberlani, Giuseppe Addobbati and Pietro Ceccarelli.

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