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Friday, January 6, 2023


This is the final film from director Fritz Lang and it was filmed in Germany, France and Italy.

The Dr. Mabuse films are always entertaining. I haven't seen one yet that wasn't.

The film opens when a reporter being killed on the way to do a television report. Several other bizarre murder occure and an undercover agent named Henry B. Travers ( Peter Van Eyck) is called in to investigate.

He gets help from Kriminalkommissar Kras (Gert Frobe). They both quiuckly discover that super criminal Dr. Mabuse is involved. It seems all of the murders lead to the Hotel Luxor which is a post WW2 hotel and has a lot of security cameras and bugging equipment still being used...but by whom?

Henry manages to stop a young woman named Marion Menil (Dawn Addams) from jumping off the hotel ledge. He then gets even more tangled in the web of crime as he tries to find out what has made her decide to end her life.

This is a complex little thriller that and mystery and crime fan would find very enjoyable. The print is pretty darn good.

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