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Sunday, January 8, 2023


What the hell did I just watch?

You know, I like Ray Steckler movies and low budget films, but damn this was just too much.

It runs an hour and it's an hour you'll never get back. A beautiful woman named Carol (Carolyn Brandt) inherits a small ranch with a guest house that is said to be haunted by a weird creature of Indian legend called "The Chooper".

Several people are killed despite the warnings of a ranch hand. First off, we never see "The Chooper" and then ending is as disappointing as "Curucu, Beast Of The Amazon".

A monster movie with no monster, but I will credit Steckler in that this 55 minute movie does indeed feel like 90 minutes. That god the film at least has Brandt to look at, because it doesn't have anything else going for it.

I have taken the hit for you so you can save 55 minutes of your time. You are welcome. Oh boy.

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