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Sunday, January 22, 2023


A wonderful technicolor film from Universal.

This one of 6 Universal adventure films that paired Jon Hall and Maria Montez. The other are "Cobra Woman", "Arabian Nights", "Gypsy Wildcat", "Sudan" and "Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves".

All of these are wonderful escapism and are exactly what these kinds of films should be...totally entertaining.

This is a very simple tale about a shark fisherman named Kaloe (Jon Hall) who is seeking permission to hunt the fish around a tropical island ruled by a beautiful Princess named Tahia (Maria Montez).

After Kaloe's friend Orano (Sabu) introduces him to the Princess, Kaloe falls in love with her and various situations occur such as both of them trying to stop Sam Miller (Thomas Gomez) and Tamara (Turhan Bey from stealing a huge treasure of gold hidden on the island.

This film is simply beautiful in color and Montez, of course, steals every scene she's in. The rest of the cast for this Arthur Lubin directed film includes Sidney Tolar as Wong which is very similar to his Charlie Chan character, Don Terry, Paul Guilfoyle, and Anthony Warde.

I have read so many reviews that are written by people who actually believe that this and other such films are racist. This is NOT the case at all, these are written by very sorry and angry people who have no idea what a film should be and who swallow everything the main stream media and special interest groups tell them.

Just enjoy this movie for what is really is...ESCAPISM. RECOMMENDED!!

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