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Monday, October 4, 2021


Strange little B horror film.

Onslow Steves stars as Dr. Jim Bordon, a dedicated doctor working on a mysterious serum.

There soon starts a series of violent killing in which the victims have been torn up by what appears to be claws. The police are baffled, as usual in these kinds of films.

Bordon's partner, Dr. Lester Cavigny (Ralph Morgan) wants the experiments with the serum halted, and this eventually costs him his life. Several more killing occur and it's revealed that Bordon has taken the serum himself and turns into a cat-like killer.

I had never really heard of this movie until I stumbled upon it on TV. It's not too bad of a film, and it's fun to watch, but the potential was missed by the film makers.

The rest of the cast includes June Vincent, Eduardo Ciannelli, John Baragray and Janis Wilson. You might want to check this out if you can find it. I would recommend it.

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