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Monday, November 29, 2021


Interesting and forgotten action film.

A big business man hires a beautiful woman named Julia Hemingway (Ina Skriver) and her associates, which are all women, to sabotage an important deal being made by another company.

The women spy and seduce some of the men in the company and then steal the secrets. However, when their employer threatens a double cross, there is hell to pay.

Jose Ramon Larraz directed this film and he handles it well, but it is widely known he hated it. The action sequences are well done, and the women in the film are all very lovely, as was usual in the 70's.

This film was touted as a story about the "Female James Bond" but that is a bit overblown. The rest of the cast includes June Chadwick, Anika Paval, Suzanne Danielle and Stephan Chase.

The theme song is sung by The Three Degrees and Nina Carter and Jilly Johnson also apprear. Who are they you ask? The group known as Blonde On Blonde. A 70's mjusic lovers delight.

This film is a good and still undiscovered gem. Give it a might be suprised.

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