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Saturday, January 1, 2022


This is the final part of the countdown and here are the top three releases of 2021.

These three are all from the same releasing company which has never happened before, but Severin was really on top of their game in 2021.

03...DUNGEON OF ANDY MILLIGAN (SEVERIN) BLU-RAY...This is a spectacular collection of films from Milligan, and while they are an acquired taste, they are required viewing in my opinion. This set contains 14 of his films, and once seen they are never forgotten.

The films are presented in top quality and look better than they probably deserve to. All are uncut, of course and there are hours of extras and a great book called ANDY MILLIGANS DUNGEON by Stephen Thrower.

I never thought I'd see the day when Andy Milligan films would be treated with respect. That day came in warly sping 2021 and it was a welcome time indeed.

02...THE EUROCRYPT OF CHRISTOPHER LEE (SEVERIN) BLU-RAY...Another excellent box set from Severin. This collection consists of 5 films starring Lee and 24 episodes of the rare TV series he hosted called THEATER MACABRE. All of the films are presented in beautiful quality.

As with Severin's Andy Milligan set there are tons of extras as well as a book entitled CHRISTOPHER LEE: THE CONTINENTAL CONNECTION by Jonathan Rigby. I cannot recommend this set enough. This came out in late May, just a few months after the Milligan set.

I am sure you have probably guessed my number one pick for the year, and it really isn't a surprise, but it was long overdue on Blu-ray, but Severin took care of that in Mid December.

01... BLOODY PIT OF HORROR 1965 (SEVERIN) BLU-RAY...After having dozens of VHS tapes and DVD's of varying quality this film has finall come out in a gorgeous version. It looks better than it has a right to, and it is the definative version. This Italian horror classic is presented totally uncut running 87 minutes.

I have stated before that this is my favorite Italian horror film and when this came out I knew this would be my favorite release of the year. If you're a fan of Italian horror I suggest you check this out. It gets no betterthan this.

Well, that's it. Over the last three weeks I have given you my list of some of the best of 2021. It's now a new year, and we will see if it's better for great releases.

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