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Monday, November 29, 2010


I hope you all like the new look of the page. Please send me your comments about it. I like the feedback.


  1. The site's new look is ok, albeit hard to read in places. Really...with the girl on the right going all the way down the page some of the red text on the red dress almost disappears. Now lets be clear...the girl is nice to look at (although it would probably take Godzilla's monster d*ck to fill her gash) and she's probably been ridden more times than Stevie Nicks. Anyway, things can always be improved. Keep playing with the look and remember that good contrast is easier to read. Good job though and I enjoy the posts. :)

  2. Well Marvin, I cannot agree with you about Stacy Keibler but I changed the pic to something else to see what happens.
