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Sunday, April 29, 2012


Strange and bizarre film about a family being killed off one by one while seraching for a rumoured $500,000 dollare hidden on the property. Decapitations, shorgun blasts to the face, stabbings and other fun things make this a winner, at least for me. Agnes Moorehead gives her last performance as the family that also consists of Michael Ansara, Will Geer, Dennis Patrick,Anne Meacham and Roger Gentry. The most interesting character is Luddy, a former mental patient who becomes Moorehead's nurse after Luddy accidently meets some family members at a football game. Luddy is not really cured, and the mysterious killer actually makes her believe she is using the axe to kill people. Again, very odd and very intersesting, this little film should be able to hold your interest. Lots of blood and gore for the year it was made. I cannot fathom why this isn't on DVD.

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