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Saturday, April 14, 2012


One of my favorite Spanish horror films is this one. Paul Naschy plays Waldemar Daninsky, the werewolf to perfection as usual. This time a young woman who was rescued from rapists by Daninsky, played the the incredibly sexy Shirley Corrigan, falls in love with him and tries to get him help for his lycanthropy from Dr. Jekyll, played by Jack Taylor.
Problems arise when Taylor's jealous assistant, played my Mirtha Miller kills the doctor and then proceeds to use the serum to make Daninsky an evil and sexually perverted Mr. Hyde.
A great mixed bag of monsters and gore is in the package. Sinister has the most complete version out on the market in the USA which includes the nudity and torture of Corrigan by Miller and Naschy.
The version from Mill Creek cuts out the entire torture scene and several other key plot elements. Check out the version from Sinister. One of the best.

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