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Thursday, May 9, 2013


Simply a classic of horror and horror make-up effects.

An astronaut travels to the rings of Saturn when the sun sends out a burst of radiation the kills the other two men but the one is still alive.

Alex Rebar is Steve West, the astronaut that after being exposed to these cosmic rays has turned into a monster that needs to consume large amount of human flesh just to stay alive. The special effects of Rebar melting is handled by Rick Baker, and these have yet to be topped by any film today.

Burr DeBenning is Ted Nelson, the man who must hunt Steve down along with General Perry, played very well by genre vet Myron Healey. Lots of shocks and yuck, but lots of fun. The ending has to be seen to be believed. Highly Recommended.

On a personal note, this film so inspired me at 15, that many years later I made my own take on the main theme of the film in my ultra low budget thriller "Experiment Of Death."

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