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Tuesday, March 5, 2019


A very rare Andy Milligan film.

I had a vacation from work a few weeks ago and while most people go to warm spots and enjoy their time away from work, what did I do?

Well I actually sat down and watched Milligan films!!! Yes I am insane, but I have never denied this. Actually this little film is one of his best works.

The film opens with a man closing on the renting of a home. The mans' name is Lawrence Orlovsky (Allan Berendt) and he all but pushes the real estate agent out the door by yelling and screaming at him. We soon find out why.

His assistants are waiting at the back door with a body wrapped in what I believe was a carpet. They take the carpet away as we see a rotting, fanged corpse that needs her medicine. This is the Lawrence's wife Regina (Hope Stansbury).

The viewer knows right away that she is a vampire, oh but there is SO much more. Larry and his two assistants, Carrie (Patti Gaul) and Orlando (Michael Fischetti) quickly go about setting up the basement full of blood drinking plants, which soon become flesh eating plants.

It seems these plants supply a serum that Regina needs. and they keep them alive with the blood of their brain damaged servant Carlotta (Pichulina Hempi). But soon they must find other sources.

Turns out Larry's real name is Talbot and he is a werewolf and his wife is the daughter of Dracula!! What a bizarre couple they are!! Soon their world starts crumbling as more and more of the neighbors start sticking their noses where they don't belong.

The ending is something that has to be seen to be believed!! After Larry and everyone else dies in a house fire we switch to another agent renting out the part of the house that was saved from the flames to another man and woman. His name is Baron Frankenstein!!

This $25,000 film never fails to entertain. It's a short movie at 69 minutes and things happen so fast that you never have time to get bored. I can easily recommend this Milligan gem, if you can find it.

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