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Thursday, March 7, 2019


I haven't ever done streaming movies before, but thanks to Amazon Prime I have found quite a few films that I will probably be watching and writing about here. This is the first one.

Of all the Andy Milligan films I have seen, this is the slowest one, but it does have a great ending.

Jackie Skarvvellis stars as Diana, a young woman who brings her new husband home from Scotland and introduces her to his very bizarre family.

Her sister Monica (Hope Stansbury) is a sadist who enjoys inflicting pain on every living thing, her father Pa Mooney (Douglas Phair) claims to be 199 years old, her brother Mortimer (Noel Collins) seems somewhat normal and the youngest brother Malcolm (Berwick Kaler) is a half wit with animal tendencies who is kept locked in a room full of chickens!! Her other sister Phoebe (Joan Ogden) runs the family and tends to Pa.

Ahh, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. Thru the entire film we see everyone acting crazy and Diana often speaks of not letting the family curse get to her.

Just what is the family curse. Well, we find out in the climax that the entire family is cursed with lycanthropy and everyone turns into a werewolf and battles it out with Diana and her husband. However, Diana has a hell of a surprise for her husband. She is pregnant and no longer needs him so she kills him after turning into a werewolf as well.

She does this just after telling him that she is different than the other members of her family in that she can turn at will. This is one bizarre movie that actually could have used some trimming. Still, if you're a Milligan fan like I am you might like the results. The rat scenes were added when the producer told Milligan the film was too short at 72 minutes, so these extra scenes were added to pad it out to 92 minutes. WOW WHAT A TRIP!!

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